Diesel Mechanic Training Schools

Tue, 06 Jul 2021 14:26:47 +0000

IF it can happen to Jeff Bezos, it can happen to anyone. The Amazon boss allegedly had his phone hacked after opening a WhatsApp video message from Mohammed bin Salman, crown prince of Saudi Arabia. 5 Mohammed bin Salman has denied hacking Jeff Bezos' phone through a video on WhatsApp Credit: AFP The video reportedly let hackers steal racy messages and pictures from his mobile, which were then allegedly used in a blackmail attempt. Saudi Arabia has denied the allegations and called for an inquiry. So how can you protect yourself from getting hacked? Follow these 20 tips to avoid losing control of your phone... 1. Don't open videos from people you don't know well Hackers can take advantage of a vulnerability called "buffer overflow" – flooding the phone with too much data in a file that then cracks open the device. The app is given too much information to handle, so it gives up following its logic, allowing the execution of malware that cedes control of a phone 2. Don't put off installing app updates Updating apps can be a chore, but it is important.

Diesel mechanic training schools near me

If the truck is used exclusively to transport employees or materials for a business, the vehicle should probably be on a commercial auto policy. A truck used primarily as a family vehicle that is also occasionally used to transport business clients or to run business errands could be covered under a personal auto insurance policy. But sometimes even occasional business use might not be covered on a personal policy. 3. How is Ownership of the Vehicle Titled? In some cases, the type of insurance you'll need would be determined by how the vehicle is titled. The title document reflects ownership of the car or truck. If your business is incorporated and you choose to have the company own the vehicle, a commercial auto policy would likely be the best fit since the corporate entity – and not the individual – owns the vehicle. 4. How Much Liability Insurance Will You Require? General contractors often have questions about liability coverage related to vehicles used for work purposes. If you're using a vehicle in a business capacity, any general contractors you work with or customers you engage may mandate that you carry high liability limits on your auto insurance policy.

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