Do Video Games Make You Smarter

Sun, 04 Jul 2021 08:44:16 +0000

There are different types of classes you take. For example, I am studying a Bachelor's Degree of Business Administration and I'm majoring in International Business at Berkeley College. With that, I have to complete courses for Business (such as accounting, finance, etc) and then courses specific to my major (such as International Marketing. ) Besides from those, there are other courses you will need to complete in order to get your degree such as General Education Courses (which can be history, math, psychology, etc. and might not be necessarily related to your major. ) Finally there are also free electives, which are up to you as long as you complete as many credits as required. Here's the example of the courses I take for my degree: If you want to have an insight from other students, check the social media site of my school to find out what students from different majors do. Source(s):

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