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Sun, 04 Jul 2021 11:06:06 +0000
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Home office tips from Knoll furniture designer Benjamin Pardo Sometimes I feel like I'm not working from home, so much as living in my workspace. During the day, my husband and I share a home office where we try to get as much work done as possible in the small windows of time during which we're not watching our daughter. Of course, my daughter still finds a way to barge in, demanding a cuddle and serving as a constant, very cute distraction. Life bleeds into work, work bleeds into life, and neither is particularly satisfying. Could good design help? Benjamin Pardo, design director for the esteemed furniture company Knoll, believes it can. Over the course of his career, he has thought a great deal about how design can improve the way we work, and he has designed some well-known ergonomic furniture that fill offices around the world, like the Generation and ReGeneration chairs. [ Muuto Cover Lounge Chair and 70/70 Table Photo: courtesy Knoll] Now, he's turning his attention to the home office.

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"The patience of the other authorities will fade if Ireland doesn't get its act together. It's as simple as that. " - 'Tax haven' - Government and business leaders are coy but it is generally understood that multinational tech companies chose Ireland because of its low 12. 5 percent corporate tax rate. In 2018, Facebook Ireland generated 25. 5 billion euros ($29 billion) in revenue and paid 63. 2 million euros ($73. 8 million) in tax, according to the Companies Registration Office. Meanwhile the government coffers of Ireland -- a nation of just five million people -- are regularly padded with receipts from multinationals. Last year, 77 percent of Irish corporation tax receipts came from foreign multinationals and 40 percent were from just 10 companies. Tax Justice Network chief executive Alex Cobham said his campaign group generally avoids the term "tax haven" because "every jurisdiction has a lot of work to do to improve". "With that caveat, yes, Ireland is a tax haven, " he said. "Ireland is probably the most exposed to a small number of fairly similar US multinationals in pharma and in tech and it really can't afford to cross them. "

- 'Regulatory austerity' - GDPR stipulates that data protection commissions should be separate from outside interference and there is no suggestion of government influence in the Irish process. But little of the tax bonanza from tech companies is funnelled into Ireland's Data Protection Commission, which acts as the EU's regulator for firms like Facebook and their services such as Whatsapp and Instagram. GDPR requires that countries ensure their data protection commission has the "human, technical and financial resources... necessary for the effective performance of its tasks and exercise of its powers". Ireland's Data Protection Commissioner, Helen Dixon, said the organisation was "disappointed" by the 2020 government allocation of 16. 9 million euros ($19. 7 million). Additional funding was "less than one third" of the figure requested which "reflected a year of experience of regulating under the GDPR", she added. For Cobham, this suggests "regulatory austerity", where high regulatory standards are set "but then you refuse to provide the resources to allow any type of effective enforcement".

"You achieve the effect of not having the regulations while being able to say, 'but look, we have the regulation', he added. Ireland's 2021 budget raised DPC funding to 19. 1 million euros ($22. 3 million) -- the same amount Facebook Ireland generated in revenue in about six and a half hours in 2018. A government spokesman insisted the DPC "has received ongoing and positive funding support which has more than met its actual resourcing requirements". DPC Deputy Commissioner Graham Doyle added the "considerable" increases in government funding had allowed it to go from 29 staff in 2014 to 150. But the EU Commission insider said: "It's a good step forward but more is necessary. " - The first case - The DPC's first major decision is expected against Twitter in November, making it the first European authority to complete a cross-border case against a tech giant under GDPR. It is a relatively straightforward test of whether Twitter informed the data protection authority of a breach within 72 hours and properly documented the event.

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Possibility of court fees reduced or waived? Hi all. Below you'll find a copy pasted email that my mother sent to the law society. All the details about the case will be in there. What I'm hoping to hopefully get some advice on is how to proceed and if there is any way to get the amount of $96, 883, 00 reduced or waived. I appreciate any and all that read this post and are kind enough to take the time to help. Thank you. Hello. I'm trying to find out if I may be eligible to receive some help from the Compensation Fund that I just found out about on March 31, 2021. I have a lengthy issue and am hoping to be heard. I feel I was duped and dropped by my lawyer without him even telling me to look for another lawyer and no written notice from him. I had been trying to seek help but the lawyers I spoke with since I started to wonder if he was abandoning me in late 2017 while I was waiting for him to advise me if he had finally sent in my factum to the Appeal court because he had missed the 60-90 day deadline.

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Nonetheless, the investigation was started in January last year and the DPC made a draft decision in May. The case has since been tied up in regulatory mechanisms seeking input and consensus from data watchdogs in other EU states. The drawn-out process is a reminder that the complexities of pan-European regulation still sprawl across the bloc. But under the stiff GDPR regime Twitter could be fined up to four percent of its annual global turnover -- a $140 million wedge of the firm's reported $3. 5 billion 2019 revenue. If Ireland's DPC becomes the first watchdog to impose such a stinging penalty accusations its bark is worse than its bite may begin to fade. Related: Irish Regulator Probes Google, Tinder Over Data Processing Related: Ireland Reports Multiple GDPR Investigations on Tech Giants Previous Columns by Associated Press:

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Two years after the EU launched its landmark GDPR data rights charter, there are signs Ireland is faltering in its outsized role as regulator of many of the most powerful digital giants. Hailed as a potent weapon to bring tech titans to heel, the General Data Protection Regulation endowed national watchdogs with cross-border powers and the possibility to impose sizeable fines for data misuse. Ireland hosts the regional headquarters of Facebook, Apple, Google and Twitter, and is therefore largely responsible for policing their European activities. But its Data Protection Commission has yet to issue a major decision against any of the giants in Dublin's glimmering "Silicon Docks". "It's a blessing for Ireland economically to be the seat of these big digital companies for Europe, and that brings a lot of revenue, " one EU Commission official with deep knowledge of the area told AFP. "With this, of course, comes an obligation. With the role as a lead regulator it has a duty to the citizens all over Europe.

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In some cases, a debt settlement company may advise you to let current accounts become delinquent so they can negotiate a settlement with your lenders. Any late payments made on an account will remain on your credit report for seven years and will negatively impact your credit scores as well. Be wary of organizations that pressure you to enter debt settlement programs and charge substantial upfront fees for their services, or that promise to remove accurate but negative information from your credit report. According to the Federal Trade Commission, negative information, if it is accurate, cannot be removed legally from your credit report prior to the time frames specified by law. Additionally, the Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA) specifies what a credit repair organization must do before accepting any payment. Be sure you understand your rights and legal protections before agreeing to pay for credit repair. Credit Counseling Services and Your Credit Scores In addition to budgeting, saving and credit management assistance and planning, many credit counseling services can also establish debt management plans (DMPs), which involve negotiating repayment plans with your creditors.

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