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Virtual Number is your personal reception hosted virtually in cloud telephony environment. In this you get a personal telephone number where your customers can call 24x7. Customers calling to your number are greeted with a message customized specially for you and can select Channels (Simultaneous Incoming calls) set by you to speak with concerned person, leave a voicemail or send a fax to you! Virtual Receptionist is a cloud based EPABX system for small businesses with more intelligent and simpler call routing, tracking, transfer etc. Virtual Receptionist serves as low cost virtual, intelligent, phone operator for businesses which manages all your business phone communication via single number and platform. PRICING 25% DISCOUNT ON ALL IVR SYSTEM *All plans are available for yearly subscription only. *Taxes will be applicable extra on above mentioned prices. Virtual Receptionist is a Phone Service for your Business Which Is: Features Welcome Message With Virtual Receptionist, the callers can be diverted to multiple departments.

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These characteristics include: Delayed entry into college by at least one year after graduating from high school Having dependents Being a single parent Being employed full time Being financially independent Attending school part time Not having a high school diploma For students experiencing at least one of those factors, and who now comprise the majority of the student body, the schedule flexibility of an online class could be highly desirable. For students settled on learning online, but unsure of how to choose a school, we've got an answer for that, too: in making your decision about which online school is best for you, here are some questions to ask. Are Your Online Colleges of Choice Accredited? An accredited school is one that has been approved by an independent system of accountability and quality control. To earn accreditation, a school must undergo a stringent application and review process to ensure their accommodations, programs, and instructors meet national standards, which are set by a group of governing institutions known as accrediting agencies.

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Because our courses are online and do not follow a semester schedule, they can be taken at times which are convenient for you and that fit into your schedule/timeline. Our faculty, staff, and students are an international learning community passionate about our pursuit of setting up life-changing and world-defining ministries. Our instructors bring a wide variety of expertise to our College and Seminary, and will assist you in gaining the knowledge you need to fulfill your calling from the Lord. As your Dean of Students, I am here to help you be fully engaged in our learning community and to have a successful educational experience while at Crossroads. If there is anything I can assist you with at any time, please let me know. Good luck and God bless. In Him, Susanne Reed, Ph. D. Dean of Students Crossroads Christian Bible College and Theological Seminary 1-800-969-3986 Website Email Crossroads CBC is certified by the AACT as a " Certified Academic Institution" PROUD MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR BIBLICAL ACCOUNTABILITY IN EDUCATION UPHOLDING THE STANDARDS OF TEACHING WITHOUT COMPROMISING THE WORD OF GOD Crossroads Christian Bible college and Theological Seminary is a Affiliate of Chaplains International and is a 501c3 non-profit Donations are tax deductible © 2002-2009 This site designed by: Lightning Web Designs & Hosting - All rights reserved.

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