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Sun, 18 Jul 2021 22:33:30 +0000

NetOutgoingMessage An Object of this class is the carrier for your information. To create one, you have to use the CreateMessage()-method of your NetPeer object. With Write() you can put all your data into the message. Write() accepts all primitive types and objects. NetIncomingMessage This is used to hold the information about a received message. Additional to the content it says something about the MessageType, which can be library-related or data you have sent. *List of MessageTypes* NetConnection Represents the connection to a remote host. Implementation [ edit | edit source] How to get started Download the latest version from the project's website. Open the "Lidgren XNA Extensions/Lidgren XNA "-file and compile the solution. Copy the created in your project folder and reference to them within your project. Now you should be able to use the twork namespace. How to create a Peer class Program { //hold the NetPeer Object as a member //In this example I use a server, because it is more common to work with server and clients private NetServer server; public Program () //When initialising, create a configuration object.

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Career Mapping - Assist with the development and available options athletes have from ages 14+ with regards to their sporting interests and careers. Sponsorship Liaison - Putting sponsorship entities in touch with an athlete (mainly professional) in order to create the desired synergy between the company's brand and the athlete's public image.

RakPeerInterface peer; void Sending () { MessageID useTimeStamp; // Assign this to ID_TIMESTAMP Time timeStamp; // Put the system time in here returned by GetTime() MessageID typeId; // This will be assigned to a type I've added after ID_USER_PACKET_ENUM, lets say ID_SET_TIMED_MINE useTimeStamp = ID_TIMESTAMP; timeStamp = GetTime (); typeId = ID_SET_TIMED_MINE; BitStream message = new BitStream (); message. Write ( useTimeStamp); message. Write ( timeStamp); message. Write ( typeId); message. Write ( "Hallo", 5); peer = Send ( BitStream * bitStream, HIGH_PRIORITY, RELIABLE, 0, UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS, true);}} Links [ edit | edit source] Introduction to RakNet 4. 0 Doxygen for Raknet Support Windows Communication Foundation [ edit | edit source] The Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) from Microsoft is a platform or application programming interface that bundles several technologies for building connected services or programs. Microsoft defines its features: orientation, interoperability, multiple message patters, service metadata, security and AJAZ and REST support.

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