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"Everybody's talking about how terrible I am on these issues, " wailed Biden. He fought back gamely. But he also stammered, mumbled, misspoke and some of his answers seemed to be canned rebuttals. In his opening statement at Wednesday's Democratic debate in Detroit, Joe Biden addressed Donald Trump while pointing proudly to the racial and ethnic diversity of the nine Democrats standing beside him. "Mr. President, this is America and we are strong and great because of this diversity, not in spite of it. … We love it. We are here to stay. And we certainly are not going to leave it to you. " Whereupon the other nine — three women, two African Americans, one Asian American and one Hispanic — began a multicultural mugging of Biden that at times took on the aspect of a flash mob. Said The Washington Post, Biden "faced relentless attacks on his decades-long Senate record on race and criminal justice, immigration and health care, and his commitment to women's rights. " The 1994 crime bill, of which Sen. Biden was once proud and which cut U. S. crime rates for decades, was trashed as a reactionary and racist measure that led to the imprisonment of countless thousands of black Americans who were guilty only of minor drug offenses.

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The opening of the Livonia factory comes just over one year after A123 was awarded a $249 million grant from the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to help the company execute its strategy to ramp up U. manufacturing capabilities to meet increasing, market-driven demand for its innovative technologies, the company said. A123 will focus on manufacturing prismatic cells and systems at the new 291, 000-square-foot Livonia facility. As part of its continuing U. manufacturing ramp up, A123 also plans to open a coating plant in Romulus, Mich., expected to come on line during the first half of 2011. In addition to the DOE grant, the company received $125 million in state incentives from Michigan as part of its 21st Century Jobs Fund to help finance these manufacturing facilities. Last week, A123 peer Valence Technology ( VLNC) signed a multi-year supply agreement with Wrightbus, the United Kingdom's leading independent supplier of hybrid buses for public transportation systems, which Valence believes will generate between $19 million to $24 million in battery sales over the six-year term of the agreement.

The Idea It occurred to me - there must be a group of sales people out there with the opposite problem. They have connections who would happily buy a certain solution/product, but building and delivering that product is a black box to them. Sure some of them do it, but their options are more expensive or inaccessible (get funding, hire an agency, or find a technical co-founder. ) What if a website could match the two groups? It could extend beyond the web/software world. For example: Sales People Name Need Anon345 I have relationships with several industrial cleaning suppliers who want to digitize their warehouse operations and build e-commerce sites. Mike1000 My 50+ real estate brokerage clients are disappointed with existing CRM solutions. Looking for a partner to build a real-estate focused SaaS CRM. Farmer138 Members of my large farming community are paying insane prices to upgrade and fix their farming technology. Looking for an IoT expert to partner and undercut the monopoly competition.

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