E- Learning Development Tools

Mon, 05 Jul 2021 02:07:20 +0000

In our last post in our 5 part series about selling courses online we looked at the e-learning platform from a general standpoint. Now, during this blog post, we want to dive deeper into the case study and explore how in this particular eCourse seller used their third year to further refine their student back-end by adding various e-learning software and tools that were aimed at helping students complete his online new-media course. THE GOALS OF E-LEARNING SOFTWARE The tools used in an online learning platform generally have one of two primary goals. 1. To help the students reach their educational objective. 2. To keep the students engaged in the online learning material. The second point is really only important because it supports the first point. Everything you do, including the tools you use to teach online, should be focused on learner objectives. THE PROBLEMS THAT E-LEARNING TOOLS NEED TO FIX There are obvious advantages to online education since it breaks many of the time and space restrictions that have plagued traditional learning environments.

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What goes into the portfolio depends on its purpose and usually includes reflection on the materials included and the portfolio as a whole. Portfolios may be required for a course, a major, or a career goal. Electronic portfolios may contain photos, graphics, videos, written narratives and hypertext links to organize the material. The links provide information on portfolio development and examples of student portfolios. The links in the section on electronic portfolios could prove useful to students as they develop their own portfolios. NLIEE Report on the Use of ePortfolios in Higher Education This white-paper is an overview of ePortfolio implementation. Three types of e-portfolios are described in this report: student e-portfolios, teaching e-portfolios, and institutional e-portfolios. E-portfolios can support student advisement, career preparation, and credential documentation; the sharing of teaching philosophies and practices; department and program self-studies; and institutional and program accreditation processes.

However, online education has its own set of problems that need to be addressed by online teachers, since teachers are not meeting in the same physical space as their students. In a recent interview we did with Rosemary M. Lehman, Ph. D. on the topic of online course design, she mentioned that students drop out of their online courses for the following reasons: Feelings of isolation Frustration and disconnection Technology disruption Student failure to make contact with faculty Inadequate contact with students by faculty Lack of student and technology support Lack of instructor participation during class discussion Lack of clarity in instruction direction or expectation Lack of social interaction. However, she also mentioned that these issues can be overcome by proper planning and the right e-Learning software. She goes on to mention the following 5 points as ways to help overcome some of the obstacles mentioned above (or prevent them from happening in the first place). Creating activities that orient students to the course and help them meet each other and develop trust and community.

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